Age sometimes becomes the cause of declining health condition. However, there are fun ways to maintain health despite your age increases. Cheese and popcorn is one of them. Hmm ... how is it possible?
Many people worry about when you get older. Not only the physical condition of the outside only concern, but also health conditions that sometimes follow-up decreased. Many health experts recommend to set a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and maintaining a good diet.
Abstain from alcohol and smoking cessation is one simple way to stay looking youthful. Here are some simple tips in the quotation from The Times of India that can help you live a healthy and youthful.
1. Bone
Bone health is not only maintained while still a child, but people who are aged lanjutpun must maintain bone health. One way is to consume high-calcium milk fat content but a low or zero at all. In addition to milk, kejupun could be an interesting solution. Cheese can be eaten as a snack spare time, of course, cheese with low fat content.
2. Muscle
For the formation of muscle, you can consume protein-rich snack. Call it food and drink soy-based. Drinks such as smoothies you can make soy milk from a lower-fat milk.
3. Eye
Very important eye health, especially for you who are elderly. To maintain health, try to consume foods that contain lots of lutein, zeaxanthin san. One of the two is the vegetable that contain spinach. Make a simple salad with spinach and lemon mixture to your daily nutrition.
4. Brain
Sometimes follow-up performance of the brain decreases with age. To prevent that, the brain needs food to keep it under normal circumstances. One of the brain that palingbaik food is salmon, because the content of omega-3 fatty acids improve concentration and also his memory.
5. Heart
Maintaining a healthy heart was not difficult. In addition to eating wheat, popcorn can be a solution. During the popcorn mixed with ingredients that are healthy too.