Dragons name a snake, but here is the name dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is a fruit with a rough surface and flesh red or white. With a culinary creativity dikreasikan dragon fruit dragon fruit juice so fresh. It feels fresh juices and much preferred by children and adolescents, with fruit flavors typical dragon. Dragon fruit is useful to speed up metabolism. If you experience constipation, make a dragon fruit juice wrote, in a way like the recipe below.
Compositional to make a fresh dragon fruit juice:
1 / 2 pcs red dragon fruit
100 ml yogurt
1 cup ice cubes, crushed
1-2 scoops vanilla ice cream
How to make Fresh Dragon Fruit Juices:
Take the dragon fruit flesh and enter into the blender.
Add yogurt and ice cubes that have been shaved, and then blend until smooth.
Prepare the serving glasses. Pour the juice, give 1-2 xcoop Ice Crean sense vanilan. Serve fresh dragon fruit juice immediately.
If it's less sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons simple syrup when blended.
Red dragon fruit dragon fruit must be replaced with white. It does not have the red dragon fruit dragon fruit can also be white, according to taste. Same efficacy.