Dragon fruit has bright red skin color, his skin is not smooth, but layered so that similar large serpent or dragon scales. The contents of white fruit, red or purple with a sprinkling of black seeds. Texture content such as sweet basil with flavors such as kiwi fruit.
Ancient Chinese people regard the dragon fruit is more than just fruit with a variety of benefits. Fruit with skin that resembles a large snake scales are often the companion of two statues on the altar table offerings. Every Lunar New Year celebrations this fruit is also presented, and became one dish that must exist because it is believed to bring fortune.
And in the place of origin, Mexico, dragon fruit is regarded as one eye. Just after being taken to Vietnam, dragon fruit plants cultivated extensively before eventually evolved into the Southeast Asian country. Dragon fruit in Vietnam is often called Thanh Long or clever dragon while the Chinese people call it Feuy Long Kwa. In areas of Mexico, dragon fruit comes with the title Pitahaya.
Dragon fruit is also very good for the circulatory system. The fruit is very effective for reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxins in the blood. Dragon fruit contains 80 percent water, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, iron, and phosphorus are useful for overcoming high blood diseases. High fiber content prevents constipation, and iron (Fe) to prevent anemia for pregnant women. For the fetus, vitamin B3 (folic acid) helps the formation and development of the spinal nervous system, while calcium (Ca) is useful to support the formation of strong bones and teeth. Congratulations to add the dragon fruit in your favorite salad menu.
The content and the dragon fruit which reach 0.7 to 0.9 grams in each gram is also very useful in the digestive system and lower cholesterol. If you want to avoid the various diseases, there is no harm if you eat a dragon fruit from now on.
Overall, every red dragon fruit contain adequate protein can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of the disease), calcium (bone strengthening).