Bed early and wake up faster will make people more healthy, wealthy, and wise. Thus the phrase famous U.S. figures Benjamin Franklin.
Adage that could be the motivation for the application of hours into the morning to face the city administration. After the school start time brought forward to 06.30 pm, the next turn of the promotion at the office. So, be prepared to get up early.
This rule certainly makes a lot of people annoyed at having to get up early. In fact, waking up very many benefits to health.
Fresh Air
Enjoy the fresh morning air and not too much polluted. Breathe in deeply to supply oxygen to the brain. With an adequate supply of oxygen, the brain will work better. In the morning, before dawn, the air still contains ozone gas well to prevent damage to the lungs, menyumbatan blood vessels, improving blood circulation, boost immunity, treatment of diabetes, asthma, allergies, heart disease, as well as works by stimulating nerves good.
The warm morning sunlight is very important for the body. Rich morning sunshine vitamin D is good for growth and bone strength. By obtaining the morning sun, you can prevent osteoporosis or bone loss.
For the men, vitamin D is essential to improve the fertility of sperm. In addition, the morning sun is also good for skin health because it contains no ultraviolet rays that can trigger skin cancer.
Many people skip breakfast on the grounds there was no time. And breakfast is very important to supply the body's energy and work function of the brain. Without breakfast, the body will be limp and less energy. The brain also can not work optimally.
If you wake up in the morning, would not have to skip breakfast. You will have more time to prepare breakfast and lunch to the office or any provision of the child to the school.
If you've had no time to exercise, get up in the morning is the perfect solution to start a healthy habit of exercising. Yangmasih fresh morning air and warm sunshine made the morning more enjoyable sporting activities. Do moderate exercise and stretching to relax muscles and increase oxygen supply to the brain. You are ready to perform the activity with the body fit.
Brain works and labor productivity
In the morning is the time the brain can work more optimally. In the morning, the brain produces a hormone that makes your memory sharper. These hormones improve the quantity, quality and usability of brain cells by increasing the delivery of amino acids from the blood to the brain. It made nerve cells in the brain can more quickly capture information and store it longer.
Avoid jams
Traffic congestion has become a part of life of citizens of Jakarta. The morning was not necessarily free to jam. But if you depart earlier than usual, at least the congestion that occurred not too bad.
Reduce stress
Freshness of morning air, warm sun and calm atmosphere that was still enough to make a better mood. By enjoying the fresh morning atmosphere, your body releases endorphins that create a better mood. So you stress free and more spirit to face the challenges of the day.