Generally, to prevent transmission of flu that are not hazardous and dangerous can be done by making healthy lifestyle, maintain the resilience of the body's health, clean living, avoiding the risk of transmission of the flu virus, did not infect the people around us, and others such as the following:
1. Wash your hands after touching objects that touched many other people we do not know who might be among them had the flu. Do not touch the face especially the nose and mouth if hands are dirty or out of touch the objects that have been held by others indicated that cold.
2. Avoid the cold if it is not necessary such as when the air is cold bath, playing the rain, and others. The point guard's body temperature normalagar still do not get cold / shiver. Keep the humidity of the air around us with a special tool and if you try eating dry throat taste of zinc lozenges or drink honey.
3. Eating food and drinking beverages that are also nutritious and good for the protection of the body / our bodies such as honey, lemon, ginger, garlic, onion, pineapple, peppers, carrots, vegetables, milk yogurt, which contains vitamin E (seed- cereals, grains, nuts, etc.), which contains zinc (fish, sardines, pumpkin, wheat, etc.), drink lots of water, and many others.
4. Use a mask that protects the respiratory system (mouth and nose) we if pandemic flu is sweeping our environment. If we couple the flu should keep a distance and not much physical contact with the pair during the still exhibit symptoms of flu.
5. A healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, not smoking, avoiding too tired to work, avoidance of alcohol, adequate rest, avoid stress, not taking drugs, keeping the environment clean, diligent, clean bathrooms, and so forth.
Contracting and flu disease so painful and annoying because we can sore throat, runny nose, runny nose, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, ear bindeng, blurry eyes, fever, chills sweating, eye belekan, nasal voice / hoarse, coughing, dry throat, phlegm, decreased appetite, shunned the people around us, the body became limp, out of money for treatment to the doctor or buy medicine, and others are annoying.