In every region of the world there are millions of people who would be a glass of coffee brewing, began their new life, but is this a good living habits? Innumerable are saying, if you do not drink a glass of coffee, they really can not start life in the morning. Some say, addicted to caffeine, caffeine-like aroma. There is also a saying, if you do not drink coffee, actually feel sleepy, sentimental and irritable.
During this time, a number of health experts will always warn of side effects to health caused by excessive caffeine is absorbed. However, the new research shows, no matter whether or not it contained caffeine, coffee may reduce the risk and the threat of diabetes II.
No matter what you mengosumsi black coffee or coffee plus sugar and milk, coffee, "Nescafe" or "Capuccino", a lot of research shows that coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, liver cancer and breast cancer and the risk of gallstones and other diseases, and now again showed that coffee also has the same effect on diabetes II.
In general, diabetes II diabetes is a disease associated with obesity and insulin in the body is unable to control blood sugar. Personnel of scientific research has examined the condition of 28,000 Iowa women, the U.S. consumes coffee. Women who consume at least 6 glasses of regular coffee each day, the possibility of growth of the disease decreased by 22%, women who consume caffeine in coffee absorbs the same amount, the likelihood of disease decreases 33% growth.
Doctor Peter Martin of the University of Medical Sciences de bi er te fan said, "We noticed there were a number of compounds in coffee, if these compounds enter in the mouse body, glucose metabolism can improve the ability of their hearts. This is very similar to the anti-diabetes drug.
Experts warn the effects of excessive drinking coffee.
But, there are also a number of kedokeran issued a warning. Neyson David is a doctor at the hospital which is affiliated to the central Massachusset Harvard University, Boston, said, "I will not let patients go home, and told them to take the pulley, hoping in that way can reduce the risk of them suffering from diabetes."
Health experts warned, excessive coffee drinking can lead to caffeine addiction, so the risk will cause a fatal brain hemorrhage, but it is also not good for the heart. they said, that the best way to prevent disease is actually very simple II diabetes, which often work out, eat and drink according to a rational standard, and remember her doctor check it regularly.